Blue Ocean EcoBlue alkaline water based super degreaser F
Code Ebio2 Samsa approved. IMO listed.
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F (foaming) is an alkaline foaming blue liquid containing biodegradable grease cutters, emulsifiers and penetrants for efficient cleaning of cargo tanks after clean petroleum products (CPP), mineral oils and vegetable oils and animal fats.
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F is also a multipurpose cleaning product reducing the number of cleaners required on board a vessel, uses include, cargo tanks, bulkheads, bilges, decks, engine rooms, machines, tools, kitchens and galley, etc.
Typical Application:
The data and information provided herein are presented in good faith and is supplied for your guidance only.
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F has been formulated to be used in very low concentration, it is therefore recommended that you do a test to determine the effectiveness of this product in your particular circumstances. Generally cargo tanks should be treated/ cleaned as follows:
- Pre-wash / pre-clean: Practically all cases of tank cleaning start by washing with ambient or heated seawater depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo. Products with good solubility in water can normally be carried out with cold water. The more viscous water -soluble products may have to be pre-cleaned with hot water. The pre-cleaning is basically a mechanical removal of cargo residues.
- Note: Some vegetable oils and animal oils (fatty acids) oxidize and “dry” upon application of air and heat. Pre-cleaning must then be carried out with cold/ambient temperature water to prevent residues from drying and hardening. If full tank cleaning in port is not possible after discharge, a quick wash should be given to the tanks to ensure the atmosphere in the tank remains moist. As an alternative, a low pressure steam or limited hand-hosing may be applied.Note: Polymerizing products should be pre-washed with cold water or the tanks should be floodednwith water. Hot water may cause deposits of polymerized material, sometimes very difficult to remove. Note: Vegetable oils and animal oils of non-drying type should preferably be pre-washed directly with hot water.
- Continue with seawater washing, increasing the temperature where applicable until all residues of the previous cargo are removed.
- Commence seawater washing with Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F for a minimum of 2 hours. Increasing water temperature increases the efficiency of the cleaning process.
- Final rinsing with seawater or freshwater (depending on requirements of next cargo), ventilating, mopping and drying is required prior to loading.
Application and dosage:
The suggested dosages below should be used as a guide only because it will vary depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo, the severity and nature of the contamination and temperature of the wash water.
For mechanical cleaning:
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F is a foaming product, it is therefore recommended to use the low foaming product Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF for recirculation washing method.
For manual cleaning:
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F can be sprayed directly onto the tank walls and bulkheads by means of a high-pressure (portable) pump at concentrations of 1% to 20% with fresh water depending on severity of the contamination. Allow 15 to 40 minutes for penetration then tanks should be washed with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
Manual spot cleaning:
Blue Ocean EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F can be applied undiluted or diluted in any concentration as required directly with spray, swabbing or brush to areas to remove traces of concentrated contamination.
Allow 15 to 40 minutes for penetration then wash with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
- Fresh water and sea water is suitable.
- Store in cool and dry space. EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F is stable through freeze/thaw cycle.
- EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser F is non-hazardous therefore safe to transport by land sea and air (refer to MSDS)
Blue Ocean EcoBlue alkaline water based super degreaser LF
Code eb103. Samsa approved. Imo listed
EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF (low foaming) is an alkaline low foaming RED liquid containing biodegradable grease cutters, emulsifiers and penetrants for efficient cleaning of cargo tanks after clean petroleum products (CPP), mineral oils and vegetable oils and animal fats. EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF is also a multipurpose cleaning product reducing the number of cleaners required on board a vessel, uses include, cargo tanks, bulkheads, bilges, decks, engine rooms, machines, tools, kitchens and galley, etc.
Typical Application:
The data and information provided herein are presented in good faith and is supplied for your guidance only.
EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF has been formulated to be used in very low concentration, it is therefore recommended that you do a test to determine the effectiveness of this product in your particular circumstances. Generally cargo tanks should b e treated/cleaned as follows:
- Pre-wash / pre-clean: Practically all cases of tank cleaning start by washing with ambient or heated seawater depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo. Products with good solubility in water can normally be carried out with cold water. The more viscous water -soluble products may have to be pre-cleaned with hot water. The pre-cleaning is basically a mechanical removal of cargo residues.
- Note: Some vegetable oils and animal oils (fatty acids) oxidize and “dry” upon application of air and heat. Pre-cleaning must then be carried out with cold/ambient temperature water to prevent residues from drying and hardening. If full tank cleaning in port is not possible after discharge, a quick wash should be given to the tanks to ensure the atmosphere in the tank remains moist. As an alternative, a low pressure steam or limited hand-hosing may be applied.
- Note: Polymerizing products should be pre-washed with cold water or the tanks should be flooded with water. Hot water may cause deposits of polymerized material, sometimes very difficult to remove.
- Note: Vegetable oils and animal oils of non-drying type should preferably be pre-washed directly with hot water.
- Continue with seawater washing, increasing the temperature where applicable until all residues of the previous cargo are removed.
- Commence seawater washing with EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF for a minimum of 2 hours. Increasing water temperature increases the efficiency of the cleaning process.
- Final rinsing with seawater or freshwater (depending on requirements of next cargo), ventilating, mopping and drying is required prior to loading.
Application and Dosage:
The suggested dosages below should be used as a guide only because it will vary depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo, the severity and nature of the contamination and temperature of the wash water.
For Mechanical Cleaning:
Recirculation of the washing water gives an efficient utilisation of the cleaning chemical. Dilute EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF with seawater or fresh water to a concentration of 0.2% – 0.5% and circulate for minimum 2 hours.
EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be directly injected to the washing water by means of a dosage pump
at a rate of 2L to 5L per 1000L.
For Manual Cleaning:
EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be sprayed directly onto the tank walls and bulkheads by means of a high
– pressure (portable) pump at concentrations of 1% to 20% with fresh water depending on severity of the contamination. Allow 15
to 40 minutes for penetration then tanks should be washed with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse . Cleaning should be
repeated if necessary.
Manual Spot Cleaning:
EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be applied undiluted or diluted in any concentration as required directly with spray, swabbing or brush to areas to remove traces of concentrated contamination. Allow 15 to 40 minutes for penetration then wash with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
- Fresh water and sea water is suitable.
- Store in cool and dry space. EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF is stable through freeze/thaw cycle.
- EcoBlue Alkaline Water Based Super Degreaser LF is non-hazardous therefore safe to transport by land sea and air (refer to MSDS)
Blue Ocean EcoBlue neutral water based super degreaser F
Code eb104 approved samsa. Imo listed.
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F (foaming) is a neutral foaming YELLOW liquid containing biodegradable grease cutters, emulsifiers and penetrants for efficient cleaning of cargo tanks after clean petroleum products (CPP), mineral oils and vegetable oils and animal fats. EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F is also a multipurpose cleaning product reducing the number of cleaners required on board a vessel, uses include, cargo tanks, bulkheads, bilges, decks, engine rooms, machines, tools, kitchens and galley, etc.
Typical Application:
The data and information provided herein are presented in good faith and is supplied for your guidance only.
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F has been formulated to be used in very low concentration, it is therefore recommended that you do a test to determine the effectiveness of this product in your particular circumstances.
- Generally cargo tanks should be treated/cleaned as follows:
- Pre-wash / pre-clean: Practically all cases of tank cleaning start by washing with ambient or heated seawater depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo. Products with good solubility in water can normally be carried out with cold water. The more viscous water – soluble products may have to be pre-cleaned with hot water. The pre-cleaning is basically a mechanical removal of cargo residues.
- Note: Some vegetable oils and animal oils (fatty acids) oxidize and “dry” upon application of air and heat. Pre-cleaning must then be carried out with cold/ambient temperature water to prevent residues from drying and hardening. If full tank cleaning in port is not possible after discharge, a quick wash should be given to the tanks to ensure the atmosphere in the tank remains moist. As an alternative, a low pressure steam or limited hand – hosing may be applied. Note: Polymerizing products should be pre-washed with cold water or the tanks should be flooded with water. Hot water may cause deposits of polymerized material, sometimes very difficult to remove. Note: Vegetable oils and animal oils of non-drying type should preferably be pre-washed directly with hot water.
- Continue with seawater washing, increasing the temperature where applicable until all residues of the previous cargo are removed.
- Commence seawater washing with EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F for a minimum of 2 hours. Increasing water temperature increases the efficiency of the cleaning process.
- Final rinsing with seawater or freshwater (depending on requirements of next cargo), ventilating, mopping and drying is required prior to loading.
Application and Dosage:
The suggested dosages below should be used as a guide only because it will vary depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo, the severity and nature of the contamination and temperature of the wash water.
For Mechanical Cleaning:
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F is a foaming product, it is therefore recommended to use the low foaming product EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF for recirculation washing method.
For Manual Cleaning:
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F can be sprayed directly onto the tank walls and bulkheads by means of a high-
pressure (portable) pump at concentrations of 1% to 20% with fresh water depending on severity of the contamination. Allow 15
to 40 minutes for penetration then tanks should be washed with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
Manual Spot Cleaning:
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F can be applied undiluted or diluted in any concentration as required directly with spray, swabbing or brush to areas to remove traces of concentrated contamination. Allow 15 to 40 minutes for penetration then wash with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
- Fresh water and sea water is suitable.
- Store in cool and dry space. EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F is stable through freeze/thaw cycle.
- EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser F is non – hazardous therefore safe to transport by land sea and air (refer to MSDS)
Blue Ocean EcoBlue neutral water based super degreaser LF
Code Eb105. Samsa Approved. IMO Listed.
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF (low foaming) is a neutral low foaming GREEN liquid containing biodegradable grease cutters, emulsifiers and penetrants for efficient cleaning of cargo tanks after clean petroleum products (CPP), mineral oils and vegetable oils and animal fats. EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF is also a multipurpose cleaning product reducing the number of cleaners required on board a vessel, uses include, cargo tanks, bulkheads, bilges, decks, engine rooms, machines, tools, kitchens and galley, etc.
Typical Application:
The data and information provided herein are presented in good faith and is supplied for your guidance only. EcoBlue Neutral
Water Based Super Degreaser LF has been formulated to be used in very low concentration, it is therefore recommended that you do a test to determine the effectiveness of this product in your particular circumstances. Generally cargo tanks should be treated/cleaned as follows:
- Pre-wash / pre-clean: Practically all cases of tank cleaning start by washing with ambient or heated seawater depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo. Products with good solubility in water can normally be carried out with cold water. The more viscous water-soluble products may have to be pre-cleaned with hot water. The pre-cleaning is basically a mechanical removal of cargo residues. Note: Some vegetable oils and animal oils (fatty acids) oxidize and “dry” upon application of air and heat. Pre-cleaning must then be carried out with cold/ambient temperature water to prevent residues from drying and hardening. If full tank cleaning in port is not possible after discharge, a quick wash should be given to the tanks to ensure the atmosphere in the tank remains moist. As an alternative, a low pressure steam or limited hand – hosing may be applied.
- Note: Polymerizing products should be pre-washed with cold water or the tanks should be flooded with water. Hot water may cause deposits of polymerized material, sometimes very difficult to remove.
- Note: Vegetable oils and animal oils of non – drying type should preferably be pre-washed directly with hot water.
- Continue with seawater washing, increasing the temperature where applicable until all residues of the previous cargo are removed.
- Commence seawater washing with EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF for a minimum of 2 hours. Increasing water temperature increases the efficiency of the cleaning process.
- Final rinsing with seawater or freshwater (depending on requirements of next cargo), ventilating, mopping and drying is required prior to loading.
Application and Dosage:
The suggested dosages below should be used as a guide only because it will vary depending on the characteristics of the previous cargo, the severity and nature of the contamination and temperature of the wash water.
For Mechanical Cleaning:
Recirculation of the washing water gives an efficient utilisation of the cleaning chemical. Dilute EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF with seawater or fresh water to a concentration of 0.2% – 0.5% and circulate for minimum 2 hours.
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be directly injected to the washing water by means of a dosage pump at a rate of 2L to 5L per 1000L.
For Manual Cleaning:
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be sprayed directly onto the tank walls and bulkheads by means of a high
-pressure (portable) pump at concentrations of 1% to 20% with fresh water depending on severity of the contamination. Allow 15
to 40 minutes for penetration then tanks should be washed with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be
repeated if necessary.
Manual Spot Cleaning:
EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF can be applied undiluted or diluted in any concentration as required directly with spray, swabbing or brush to areas to remove traces of concentrated contamination.
Allow 15 to 40 minutes for penetration then wash with hot seawater followed by a clean water rinse. Cleaning should be repeated if necessary.
- Fresh water and sea water is suitable.
- Store in cool and dry space. EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF is stable through freeze/thaw cycle.
- EcoBlue Neutral Water Based Super Degreaser LF is non – hazardous therefore safe to transport by land sea and air (refer to MSDS).